The Novem-beer Passport is here! 🌲
During the month of November, come out and support some great breweries! Collect stamps by visiting Three Lakes Brewing, Kelowna Brewing Co, Grey Fox, and Wild Ambition. 🍺
Once you have collected all 4 stamps, you will be entered for a chance to win an advent calendar from the participating breweries! Come grab your Novem-beer Passports now ❄️
The passports can be picked up and dropped off at any of the participating breweries. We look forward to seeing you! 😎
- WHEN: Thursday, December 14th from 4pm-7pm
- WHERE: Participating Breweries: Three Lakes Brewing, Kelowna Brewing Company, Grey Fox, and Wild Ambition
- COST: No fees involved, come pick up your passport at any of the participating breweries!